Your farm fence project is easier with the right tools. When it comes to unspooling wire, nothing beats a spinning jenny.
A major challenge with high tensile wire is putting it up without your neighbors thinking you have a sculpture of the childhood toy the slinky, before the first staple even goes into the post. That's where the spinning jenny comes in.
With its 3 or 4 arms, it eliminates the kinks and tangling of the wire and the frustrations of a relatively easy project.
The tension of pulling the wire keeps the wheel spinning as you walk along your post. When you approach your beginning post slow down a bit to ease the tension and begin your first installment of wire.
A spinning jenny with a brake on it eliminates the need for a partner to be at the jenny when you reach the first post and begin the installation process. They are worth the extra money if you do not have a volunteer available to control the non-brake spinning jenny.
This tool is available both with a base and without. The benefit of the base versus one without is the ease of transportation as you build your fence; it does not wobble as much since the base offers more stability. It can be mounted on the back of your pickup, 4 wheeler or your trailer. We also offer the non-wheel version for the one time only fence builder, keep in mind to ask for help in this situation so you don't end up with a gigantic slinky!
Your farm fencing project will be a snap when you use a spinning jenny to uncoil your high-tensile wire.